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Section 1. The official name of this organization shall be the "Connecticut Technology Student Association," and may be referred to as "CT-TSA.'"


Section 2. The Connecticut Technology Student Association is an organization operating in accordance with a charter granted by TSA, Inc.


Section 3. In the event of dissolution, unless otherwise proscribed by state or federal regulations, all property, including endowments, owned, held, or controlled by CT-TSA, after payment of debts, shall be held for the use and benefit of the Connecticut Technology Education Association (CTEA), a tax exempt organization operating in the State of Connecticut, and upon dissolution of CT-TSA all fore mentioned assets shall be given, assigned, transferred, conveyed, and delivered to the Connecticut Technology Education Association (CTEA) unless the member associations of this organization at the time of dissolution shall make other disposition of said property and endowment consistent with the primary purposes of this organization.




Section 1. The general purposes of this Association are:


A. To assist member associations in the growth and development of CT-TSA/TSA;

B. To assist member associations in the development of leadership and citizenship among the members in social, economic, scholastic, and civic activities;

C. To increase the knowledge and understanding of our international technological society;

D. To assist students in the making of informed and meaningful occupational choices.


Section 2. The specific purposes of this Association are:


A. To develop through group action the ability of members to plan together, organize, and carry out worthy activities and projects;

B. To explore technology and the international technological civilization;

C. To promote high standards of craftsmanship, scholarship, and safety;

D. To provide good leisure and recreational activities and hobbies;

E: To encourage members in creative expression;

F. To develop consumer knowledge in students;

G. To instill desirable habits and attitudes toward an ethical way of life in students and foster a deep respect for the dignity of work;

H. To provide occupational information and instruction pertaining to a broad range of occupations, including training requisites, working conditions, salaries or wages, and other relevant information;

I. To provide exploratory experiences in laboratories and observations in business or industry to acquaint students with jobs in the occupations;

K. To assist in providing guidance and counseling for students in making informed and meaningful choices in selected occupational fields;

L. To prepare individuals for enrollment in advanced or highly skilled educational programs.


Section 3. CT -TSA shall not have any purpose nor engage in any activity inconsistent with the status of an educational and charitable organization as defined in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any successor provision thereto, and none of these goals shall at any time be deemed or construed to be other than the public benefit purposes and objectives consistent with such educational and charitable status, nor shall CT-TSA adopt goals or engage in any activity inconsistent with the goals and policies of TSA, Inc.




Section 1. The Connecticut Association of the Technology Student Association is an organization consisting of member associations known as chapters, each operating in accordance with a charter granted by CT-TSA, in affiliation with TSA, Inc.


Section 2. A chapter may be chartered as a member association of CT-TSA, upon approval of the Executive Committee or the voting delegates.


Section 3. To be considered a chapter, there must be at least ten (10) members participating, having paid state and national dues annually, or the member association may affliate with the Chapter Affliation Program (CAP) plan.


Section 4. Each member association of CT-TSA will be responsible for all operational activities within that association with the consul of the chapter's advisor(s), a certified Technology Education instructor(s). A Primary level advisor(s) shall not be required to be a technology education instructor, but must have a level I or II advisor(s) to co-sponsor the chapter. 


Section 5. Each member association shall adopt a constitution consistent with these bylaws, which shall include the powers and duties of association officers, election procedures, meetings of the association and any other provisions necessary for the orderly administration of the association.


Section 6. Each member association shall have an executive committee comprised of the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sergeant-at-Arms, the local advisor, and any other officer or member deemed necessary by the member association.




Section 1. Membership eligibility shall be governed by CT-TSA and the National Association. Members shall be recognized as active, alumni, professional, or honorary lifetime.


Section 2.  Active membership in CT-TSA/TSA shall be through the chartered associations.


Section 3. Active membership in CT-TSA/TSA shall be through the chartered associations.


Section 4.  Active members shall be members who are presently enrolled in or have been previously enrolled in technology education programs. Active members on the Primary level need not have been enrolled in a technology education program. An active member shall pay dues and may be eligible to hold a chapter or state office, to participate in state competitive events or activities, to serve as a voting delegate, or to otherwise represent their associations in TSA affairs as may be approved by their chapters


Section 5. Alumni members shall consist of those individuals who have completed a technology education program. Active' alumni members shall have been former active Connecticut TSA or AIASA member who have graduated from or left school. Alumni members shall not have the right to be an elected officer of CT - TSA; but may serve on the Board of Directors. All CT-TSA alumni shall be members of the CT-TSA Alumni Association, an organization operating in accordance with a charter granted by the member associations. Active alumni members may serve as officers in this organization. Other categories of alumni membership shall be governed by the State Alumni Association.


Section 6. Professional members are those persons engaged in education, business or industry who have an interest in CT-TSA and in the welfare of Technology Education. Professional members shall not have the right to be an elected officer of CT-TSA but may serve on the Board of Directors. 

Section 7.  Honorary lifetime members may be individuals who have made or are making contributions to the advancements of Technology, as may be approved by the CT-TSA Executive Committee. Honorary lifetime members shall be exempt from annual dues. Honorary lifetime members shall not have the right to be an elected officer of CT -TSA, but may serve on the Board of Directors.




Section 1. The officers of CT-TSA shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sergeant-at-Arms, and any other office deemed necessary by these bylaws. These officers shall perform the duties proscribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by CT-TSA.


Section 2. Each member association may nominate and run two (2) candidates, one (1) for each of any two (2) different offices. These nominees do not have to members of the nominating chapter. An association may have a maximum of two (2) of the candidates it nominates elected. .


Section 3. To be eligible for state office, a candidate must be holding or have held an elected chartered chapter office.


Section 4.  All candidates for state office shall be required to submit the official state officer candidate form, revised annually by the CT-TSA Executive Committee.


Section 5. Candidates for state office must file their candidacy with the CT-TSA President not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date of the Annual State Conference in the spring.


Section 6.  The officers shall be elected by majority vote of the voting delegates at the annual business meeting in the spring, or a special called meeting.


Section 7. A CT-TSA officer so elected may not hold the local office of President concurrently within their term(s) of office.


Section 8. The officers' terms of office shall be from Ju1y First to June 30th of the year in which elected to serve for one (1) year.


Section 9. No individual may be elected to more than one (1) term as a state officer in the same office.

Section 10. No member shall hold more than one (1) state office at a time.

Section 11. The duties of the state officers are as follows:


A. President: It shall be the duty of the President: to preside over and conduct all regular and special meetings of CT-TSA in accordance with the adopted parliamentary authority or any special rules of order CT-TSA may adopt; to serve as an ex-officio member of every committee of the Association especially the Long Range Planning Committee; to represent the Association at all TSA events or before other organizations; to be the. installation officer for the next CT -TSA officer team; to appoint a parliamentarian at each meeting; and to make themself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of CT -TSA.

B. Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-President: to serve in any capacity directed by the President; to accept the responsibility of the President as occasion may demand; to assist the President in the discharge of hisfher duties; to represent the Association at all TSA events or before other org~ani.zations at the absence of the President; to be responsible for the membership and welfare of CT-TSA; to be responsible for all committee work; to serve as an ex-officio member of every committee of the Association especially the Membership and Program ' of Work Committees; and to make themself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of CT-TSA.


C. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary: to serve in any capacity directed by the President; to record proceedings of regular and special meetings; to attend to official correspondence; to keep permanent records of all business and correspondence of this Association; to serve as an ex-officio member of the TSA Affairs Committee; and to make him/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of CT-TSA.


D. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer: to serve in any capacity directed by the President; to keep records of all the Association's financial transactions and the names and totals of member associations; to make this record available when necessary; to enforce all Association financial regulations; to prepare a preliminary budget for the Association subject to Executive Committee approval; to maintain a list of all properties and materials under the control of CT-TSA; to advise the Executive Committee on the managing of Association finances; to serve as an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee; to furnish as needed a financial report; and to make him/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of CT-TSA.


E. Reporter: It shall be the duty of the Reporter: to serve in any capacity directed by the President; to accumulate and maintain up-to-date information on the history of the Association and National TSA; to prepare articles for publication in local, state, and national TSA publications, professional magazines and journals, newspapers, and other news media; to edit and publish a minimum of three (3) Association publications; to contact other Association members concerning news items for publication; to serve as an ex-officio member of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee; and to make him/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of CT-TSA.


F. Sergeant-at-Arms: It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms: to serve in any capacity directed by the President; to assist in .the preparation and control of the meeting place; in the event a parliamentarian is not appointed by the President, to assist in the conducting of all meetings according to parliamentary procedures as set forth by the Association's rules of order as stated in these bylaws; to serve as an ex-officio member of the State Conference Planning Committee; and to make him/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of CT-TSA.




Section 1. The CT-TSA State Advisor is encouraged to be a technology education instructor, but may be any qualified individual appointed by the Connecticut Department of Education and approved by the CT-TSA Board of Directors. 


Section 2. The CT-TSA State Advisor shall be exempt from annual dues.


Section 3. The CT-TSA State Advisor shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee, and shall be in a counseling position to the CT-TSA President and the Executive Committee as a whole.


Section 4. The CT-TSA Executive Committee shall appoint as required an Associate State Advisor or additional Assistant State Advisors with the same rights and duties as the State Advisor.


Section 5.  The duties of the State Advisor shall be established annually by the Executive Committee, in conjunction with the Connecticut Department of Education. These duties may be amended by the Executive Committee as needed.


Section 6. The CT-TSA State Advisor, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall submit an annual report to National TSA, TSA Inc., the CT-TSA Board of Directors, and the member associations.




Section 1 The Executive Committee with the approval of the Voting Delegates shall appoint a Fiscal Agent at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association.


Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Fiscal Agent to serve in any capacity as directed by the President; to assist the Treasurer in the upkeep of records of all CT-TSA financial transactions and chapter totals; to assist the Treasurer in making this record available when necessary; to assist the Treasurer in the enforcement of all Association financial regulations; to deposit all funds in a bank of the Executive Committee's choosing; to draw upon these funds to pay all encumbrances of CT-TSA, as approved by the Executive Committee; to assist the Treasurer in advising the Executive Committee on the managing of Association finances; to furnish the Executive Committee with a financial report as needed; and to make him/herself available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of CT'-TSA.




Section 1. The voting members of the CT-TSA Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sergeant-at-Arms, and any other member deemed necessary by these bylaws.


Section 2. The non-voting advisory members of the CT-TSA Executive Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, the CT-TSA State Advisor, the CT-TSA Fiscal Agent, one (1) liaison representative from each member association chosen annually by the chapter, any Associate or Assistant State Advisors the Executive Committee sees fit to appoint, every standing and special committee chair, and any other member deemed necessary by these bylaws.


Section 3. The powers and duties of the executive committee shall extend to and include, in addition to authority otherwise vested herein, as follows: 


A. To be responsible for the general operation of CT-TSA in accordance with the guidelines and directives set down, by the voting delegates;

B. To Conduct business in an efficient fashion pertaining to the members of CT-TSA;

C. To design, prepare, and execute a yearly Program of Work aimed at providing leadership and direction for CT-TSA;

D. To acquire, improve, maintain, and direct all properties deemed necessary for the improvement and welfare of CT-TSA; 

E. To issue charters to chapters who have properly fulfIlled petitioning requirements; 

F. To prepare and submit to member associations appropriate membership cards, applications for membership and certificates of membership; .

G. To call special meetings and conferences; 

H. To revoke upon approval of the Board of Directors, the charter of any association when said member is found guilty of violating the provisions of these bylaws, or any edict resolution directive of the Association;

I. To develop and administer the Annual CT-TSA State Conference.


Section 4. The Executive Committee ~f CT-TSA shall fill any vacancy occurring in the CT-TSA officers for the unexpired term, except the office of President which shall be filled by the Vice-President.


Section 5. The voting delegates at the annual business meeting or any special called meeting may direct and set guidelines for the Executive Committee 19 follow during their terms of office. . The Executive Committee must follow these guidelines unless extenuating circumstances prevent the following of the guidelines. If that is the case the Executive Committee must explain in writing the reasons for the deviation to the member associations.


Section 6.  Any decision the CT-TSA Executive Committee makes may be overridden by the voting delegates at the annual business meeting or any special called meeting, unless it is deemed legally or fiscally impossible to do so by the member associations.


Section 7. A member or member association may petition the Executive Committee on matters relating to TSA and expect a prompt reply on the actions being taken on that matter.




Section 1. The administration of CT –TSA interests will be vested in the Board of Directors of CT - TSA.


Section 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of:

A. Interested school. community, business, and industry leaders as appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the voting delegates to serve for three (3) years;

B. One (1) representative from the Connecticut Technology Education Association (CTEA) approved by the voting delegates serving a term of three (3) years;

C. A Technology Education Consultant who shall be nominated by the CT-TSA Executive Committee and approved by the voting delegates to serve for three (3) years;

D. Two (2) local advisors that shall be nominated from the floor and each elected by a majority vote of the voting delegates on alternating years to serve for two (2) years; 

E. The CT-TSA President, who shall serve a term of one (1) year;

F. The Immediate CT-TSA Past President, non-voting, who shall serve a term of one (1) year;

G. The CT-TSA State Advisor, non-voting; 

H. The CT-TSA Fiscal Agent, non-voting, who shall serve a term of one (1) year.


Section 3. Members of the Board may serve in more than one capacity, but each individual may have a maximum of one vote.


Section 4. The maximum capacity of the Board shall be thirteen (13) individuals.


Section 5. Members of the Board may be appointed and approved for an indefinite amount of consecutive terms with the exception of the positions of CT-TSA President and the Immediate CT-TSA Past President.


Section 6. The Board shall elect from its membership a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.




Section 1. The CT-TSA Competitive Events Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee each year, and shall be the panel of highest appeal in all matters of competitive events at the State Conference in the spring.


Section 2. The Competitive Events Committee shall consist of the following members:

A. One or more State Officers who shall chair or co-chair the Committee;

B. One or more members of the Board of Directors;

C. The CT-TSA State Advisor;

D. One or more local advisors;

E. One or more active non-voting members of the Executive Committee.




Section 1. The annual business meeting shall be held within the state conference each year in the spring with the time and place to be designated by the CT-TSA Executive Committee.


Section 2. A special meeting of the voting delegates shall be called if: 

A. The voting delegates at the annual business meeting or any special called meeting call one by majority vote;

B. Five (5) or more member associations petition the Executive Committee for a special meeting;

C. The Executive Committee by majority vote calls a special meeting;

D. The Board of Directors by majority vote calls a special meeting. .


Section 3. In the interim between regular and special business meetings, the Executive Committee will meet at least once a month to conduct the regular business of the Association. The Board of Directors will meet at least once .a month August through June to serve as the administrative element to endorse any business transacted approved by less than two-thirds (2/3) of the voting delegates


Section 4. A quorum at the annual business meeting or any special called meeting shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the chartered member associations


Section 5. A quorum of the CT-TSA Executive Committee shall be two-thirds (2/3) of the officers being present or a majority of the entire Executive Committee, both voting and non-voting. .


Section 6. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of its thirteen members.


Section 7. A quorum of a special, standing, or Competitive Events committee shall be a majority of its membership present.




Section 1. CT-TSA members shall exercise their franchise through voting delegates at the annual business meeting, which shall take place at the state conference in the spring, and any other special meetings.


Section 2. Each association shall appoint or elect representatives who shall be considered voting delegates at the annual state conference in the spring or any other special called meeting.


Section 3. Each chartered association shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each association officer present at the annual business meeting or special called meeting. Each chartered association shall also be entitled to two (2) additional voting delegates. Each chartered association present at the annual business meeting or special called meeting shall be entitled to a maximum of eight (8) delegates.


Section 4. Each association is entitled to one (1) alternate voting delegate.


Section 5. Each voting delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote and must be present to register it.


Section 6. To be represented on the floor at the annual business meeting each association must forward a list of voting delegates and other conference participants to the CT-TSA Executive Committee no later than ten (10) days prior to the conference. To be represented on the floor at a special called meeting no prior notification to the state is necessary.


Section 7. The authority of the voting delegates at the annual business meeting or any special called meeting, shall extend to and include, in addition to authority otherwise vested herein, as follows:

. A. To conduct all business of the association in an efficient fashion pertaining to the members of CT-TSA;

B. To acquire, improve, maintain, and direct all properties deemed necessary for the Improvement and welfare of CT-TSA;

C. To elect or discharge any and all members of the Executive Committee;

D. To issue charters to chapters who have properly fulfilled petitioning requirements;

E. To revoke upon approval of the Board of Directors, the charter of any association when said member is found guilty of violating the provisions of these bylaws, or any edict resolution directive of the Association;

F. To call special meetings and conferences;

G. To revise or amend the bylaws of the Association.

H. To dissolve the Association.




Section 1. . Each standing committee of the Association. consisting of three (3) or more members, shall be appointed each year by the CT-TSA Executive Committee. All CT -TSA members, members of the Board of Directors, local advisors, and CT-TSA Executive Committee members are eligible to serve on standing committees.


Section 2. All standing committees shall have at least one (1) active member not serving an elected voting position on the CT-TSA Executive Committee. .


Section 3. The standing committees of ct-TSA shall include: Finance, Membership, TSA Affairs, Long Range Planning, Program of Work, State Conference Planning, and Publicity and Public Relations.


A. The Finance Committee shall oversee the financial operation of the Association. shall audit the records of the treasurer, shall be responsible for all fund raising activities unless the CT-TSA Executive Committee appoints a special committee for a specific fund raising event. The CT-TSA Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of this committee. .


B. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for a membership drive each year, shall encourage membership by informing, gathering, and encouraging prospective new members, shall keep a list of all past and present members, and provide literature and "information about TSA. The CT-TSA Vice-President shall serve as a special ex-officio member of this committee.


C. The TSA Affairs Committee shall keep the membership and Executive Committee informed about TSA activities on the national level. The CT-TSA Secretary shall serve as an ex-officio member of this committee.


E. The Long Range Planning Committee shall examine where CT - TSA is headed' in the upcoming years, shall advise the Association on what needs to be done to preserve the general welfare of the Association, and shall submit a report to the Association every year on its findings. The CT-TSA President shall serve as a special ex-officio member of this committee.


G. The Program of Work Committee assists the Executive Committee in the setting up and the carrying out of the Association's Program of Work. The CT-TSA Vice-President shall serve as a special ex-officio member of this committee.


H. The Publicity and Public Relations Committee shall be responsible to bring CT-TSA's goals, objectives, activities, and TSA in general to the attention of the public, strives to find ways to present the Association in a favorable way, assists the reporter in developing articles, newspaper items, and publications. The CT-TSA Reporter shall serve as an ex-officio member of this committee. 


I. The State Conference Planning Committee shall be responsible for all planning and administration of the annual state conference in the spring. The CT-TSA Sergeant-at-Arms shall serve as an ex-officio member of this committee.


Section 4. The CT-TSA Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint, establish, or abolish any and all other special committees, consisting of three (3) or more members, as needed. All CT-TSA members; members of the Board of Directors, local advisors, and CT-TSA Executive Committee members are eligible to serve on special committees. These committees shall last for one (1) year unless otherwise noted at the time of their formation.




Section 1. Member associations shall be responsible for state and national dues as determined by the Executive Committee of CT-TSA. All dues shall be payable through the CT-TSA Fiscal Agent The CT-TSA Executive Committee shall determine the dues' amount and deadline annually.


Section 2. The CT-TSA Executive Committee will manage CT-TSA finances with advice and assistance from the CT-TSA Treasurer and Fiscal Agent, and will furnish the member associations and TSA Inc. with a written report annually.


Section 3.All funds received by CT-TSA shall be handled by the CT-TSA Fiscal Agent and deposited in the bank to be selected by the Executive Committee of CT-TSA. All funds shall be disbursed by check with the approval of the CT-TSA President or Treasurer.




Section 1. The CT-TSA emblem is a rectangular shape with three (3) rectangular parts. The middle section and largest part of the emblem contains the letters "TSA" in a very large, bold typeface. The letters are white on a blue background. Inscribed in the lower rectangular section, about one-third (113) the size of the middle section, is the name of the National Association - "TECHNOLOGY STUDENT ASSOCIATION" - in white letters on a red background. Inscribed in the upper rectangular section, the same size as the lowest section is the word  "CONNECTICUT" - in white letters on a red background. .


Section 2. The colors of CT-TSA shall be scarlet (red), white, and navy (blue). The CT-TSA representation of each color is as follows:

A. Scarlet (red) represents the strength and determination of the technology education students and teachers to obtain goals. .

B. White represents the high standards, morals, and ethical beliefs we hold.

C. Navy (blue) represents the sincerity of the technology education students and teachers in obtaining a greater knowledge of our technical world,


Section 3.  The motto of the Connecticut Technology Student Association shall be:

       "Learning to live in a technical world"


Section 4. The creed of the Connecticu1'Tecbnology Student Association shall be:


I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my "life in the technical world. I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes' concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry.


Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live.


I will accept the responsibilities that are mine. I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living.


1 will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals.


Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability. I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my god, and my fellow Americans.




Section 1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised Edition govern CT-TSA in all cases to which are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order CT-TSA may legally adopt.

Section 2. The voting delegates at any time during the annual business meeting or special called meeting may suspend any or all parts of these bylaws for the duration of the meeting or any set amount of time. This action may be used through the incidental motion of "Suspend the Rules" as described in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. This action is wholly legal under these bylaws and is not overridden by the Association's parliamentary authority or any other special rules of order.




Section 1.  To amend these bylaws, a proposed amendment must be submitted 'in writing by the chartered association proposing the amendment to the CT-TSA President, sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting or special called meeting.


Section 2. The President of CT-TSA must notify in writing the chartered local associations, and CT-TSA officers of the proposed amendment at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting or special called meeting.


Section 3. The proposed amendment shall be considered and approved for ratification by a two-thirds (2{3) majority of the voting delegates present at the annual meeting or special called meeting.


Section 4. The President of CT - TS A must notify in writing the associations of the ratified amendment within thirty (30) days of the annual meeting.


Section 5. The ratified amendment will become effective sixty (60) days after the annual meeting at which the amendment was adopted unless a different time period is stipulated in the amendment.


Section 6. These bylaws shall follow and conform to the National TSA Operational Documents to the best of its abilities.


Section 7. No rules, regulations, or amendments shall be adopted which are contrary to the purposes of CT-TSA/TSA.

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