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March 23, 2019

CT-TSA State Conference

Sage Park Middle School

Windsor, Connecticut

Deadline For Registration:

Deadline for registration is March 1st and should be emailed to the Conference Registrar, Alicia Lynn, at or  Kindly copy the State TSA Advisor, Jim Hutson at

We have kept the registration fee at $40.00 per student and advisor $10.00 (for the past 10 years); which includes continental breakfast, lunch, opening session, business session, awards ceremony and closing session for each student.  Conference admission is free for all guests.


State TSA Officer Application:

Attached is the CT State TSA Officer Application which needs to be completed and emailed to the State TSA Advisor by March 1st. We hope that every TSA Advisor student leaders in your chapter to run for a State TSA Officer position!    The position of President requires a minimum of year experience at the state level, yet other positions such as V.P., Treasurer, Secretary, Reporter, and Sargent of Arms does not require previous state officer experience.  Please note that this is a great leadership opportunity for your students, and does require dedication.encourage. APPLICATION LINK


2018-19 CTSO Community Service Award:

Every TSA Chapter is encouraged to have your students involved in a community service project that showcases your commitment in helping others. The CT SDE wishes to acknowledge this service and selects one chapter from each of the CTSO'S for outstanding service to the community. Attached is a brief description of the requirements for this recognition.


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